Pre-Primary Education


Pre-Primary education is compulsory and free for children aged 4 5/12 years old and above who enrol in the school year 2025-2026 in public Pre-Primary schools. Younger children aged between 3 to 4 5/12 that approved and enrol in public Pre-Primary schools pay fees, which are defined by the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance.

According to relevant Council of Ministers Decisions (63.682 / 20.4.2006 and 80.361 / 2.3.2016), the following parent cases are exempt from the obligation to pay tuition fees for their children in public pre-primary schools, provided that they provide the schools with the relevant supporting documents:

  • Parents who receive Minimum Income Guaranteed or Public Allowance.
  • Parents with serious health problems and disabilities do not work and are subjected to treatment costs
  • Parents of children who are absent from kindergarten for more than one month, due to parent’s or children’s health reasons.
  • In community Pre-Primary schools, parents pay fees which are defined by the community pre-primary school.

Fees for Turkish-Cypriot pupils that attend private Pre-Primary schools in the free areas of Cyprus Government are fully funded (fees and registration expenses) by the Government.

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