Special Education
Special education provision is offered in the following educational settings:
1. At a Public Mainstream School – in a Mainstream classroom
Children with special needs can be enrolled in a public school and be provided with special education in a mainstream classroom. Schools and classrooms which include children with special needs are equipped with the appropriate infrastructure, according to the educational programme adapted to satisfy the specific needs of the children.
When special education is provided in a mainstream classroom, the District Committee of Special Education determines the public school in which the child will be enrolled, the lessons s/he will receive support, any exemptions, modifications or adjustments to the curriculum, the building and the environmental changes that need to be made. The Special Education Coordinators are responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the District Committees.
If there are specific reasons for which the child cannot attend a school in the area in which s/he lives, the District Committee will arrange free transportation to and from the school in which the child will be enrolled.
2. At a Public Mainstream School – In a Special Unit
A child who has been assigned special education can attend a Special Unit operating within a mainstream school. Special Units are integrated into mainstream schools and operate in designated classrooms which are comfortable and accessible to children with special needs. The headteacher of the mainstream school is responsible for the operation of the Special Unit.
Children attending Special Units are registered in the school registry. The total number of children enrolled in a Special Unit is based on the severity of the special needs and other particular concerns of the children which may affect the smooth operation of the Unit.
3. At a Special Education School
A public Special School is established and operated in accordance with the provisions of the Law to provide special education to children with special needs. Special schools are staffed with the necessary teaching personnel and other specialists (speech therapists, physiotherapists and others), the support and auxiliary staff and they are equipped with modern infrastructure and equipment.
Children attending Special Schools are assigned to groups according to their age and characteristics and according to the special education programme which has been determined for them, based on their evaluation by a multidisciplinary team of experts.
The number of pupils’ group is based on the children’s needs, according to the evaluation conducted by the inspector of Special Education, the educational psychologist, the special education teacher and the headteacher. All specialists involved in this decision must work in the public sector.
Special Schools have regular contact and communication with the mainstream schools in their area and in cooperation with them they organise common activities.
4. Education outside school premises (education at home)
Under the provisions of the Law, children with special needs in primary and secondary education, who due to health reasons cannot attend the regular school programme for an extended period of time, can attend lessons outside the school premises. This kind of provision is considered as part of the regular educational programme.
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