Minister's Office
Permanent Secretary's Office
Annual Reports

The Career Counselling and Educational Services (CCES) operate under the umbrella of the Department of Secondary General Education of the Cyprus Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth. Our main aim is the personal, social, educational and vocational development of high school students and other people.

The CCES maintains Counselling and Career Guidance offices in all public Secondary and Technical schools as well as Central Career Guidance offices at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth.

Taking into consideration the individuality of each person, their abilities and their freedom of will, the CCES aims to help students and other people to:
  • Develop positive self-esteem, self-approval and self-confidence.
  • Identify their abilities, interests and skills.
  • Use their unique capabilities and aptitudes to achieve self-awareness.
  • Acquire the right skills to deal effectively with personal, family and/or social issues in life.
  • Adjust to the school environment in order to progress both educationally and socially.
  • Develop critical thinking.
  • Develop the necessary skills that will allow use of appropriate information effectively and make well informed decisions concerning educational, vocational and personal choices.
  • Learn about the nature and demands of various vocations as well as the current social, economic and cultural developments so that correct educational choices are made.

Nicosia Central Offices:
Corner of Kimonos and Thoukididou
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth
1434 Nicosia
Phone number: +35722800931
Fax number: +35722305117

Limassol District Office:
Tuesdays (9.00 a.m. – 2.30 p.m.) and Wednesdays (11.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.)
238 Ayias Filaxeos Street, Anna Tower, 2nd Floor, 3082 Limassol
Phone number: +35725820873

Larnaka/Famagusta District Office:
Tuesdays (9.00 a.m. – 2.30 p.m.) and Wednesdays (11.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.)
65 Eleftherias Avenue, 1st Floor, 7102 Aradipou
Phone number: +35724821350

Pafos District Office:
Wednesdays (11.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.) and Thursdays (9.00 a.m. – 2.30 p.m.)
Neofytou Nikolaidi, 1st Floor, 8100 Pafos
Phone number: +35726804533

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