
The State Institutes of Further Education function under the auspices of the Department of Secondary General Education. They started their function in 1960 as Foreign Language Institutes. They offer courses to pupils at all levels of education as well as to adults, both in urban and rural areas. Thus they offer equal opportunities for learning and contribute to lifelong learning according to the European Union.
State Institutes of Further Education accomplish social work, through the offering of allowances and scholarships to needy or excellent pupils. At the same time, experienced teachers as well as newly appointed ones are employed. In this way good use of the experience of the old teachers in combination with contemporary ideas of the younger ones is made.
Nowadays, 40 State Institutes of Further Education function all over Cyprus, attended by more than 17.000 pupils every year. They are housed in public Primary and Secondary Schools. Hence they use in the best way the infrastructure and the capabilities of the school units which offer them hospitality.
The following subjects are offered:
- Foreign Languages (English, French, German, Italia, Spanish, Russian, Turkish) up to the B1 or B2 Level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
- Greek to Foreigners (speakers of other languages who live and work in Cyprus).
- Accounting at all levels.
- Consolidation lessons for Gymnasium and Lyceum pupils.
- Preparatory lessons for the Pancyprian Exams
Since 2003, within the framework of the materialization of the Governments’ decision for the creation of bridges of communication between the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots, free lessons of Greek are offered to Turkish Cypriots and Turkish to Greek Cypriots.
Registrations in State Institutes of Further Education take place during June, while some more might take place in September, if necessary. The number of the pupils in every class differs according to whether it is an urban, rural or remote area.
The State Institutes of Further Education function on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Adult classes function in some State Institutes in the evenings. On special occasions lessons might take place on Wednesday afternoon or Saturday morning.
Each lesson lasts for 90 minutes and takes place twice per week.
At the State Institutes of Further Education both attendance list and records are kept. Pupils who are absent for more than 20 lessons every year, they are not allowed to take the final written exams of the State Institutes of Further Education.
Full or partial scholarships are offered to 10% of the needy pupils. Additionally, cases of pupils or adults, which might have allowances or might pay less fees, are examined carefully.
Children of big families or five membered families, pay 50% of the fees, after they submit the relative documents.
The third child of the same family does not pay any fees.
Free tuition is offered to Greek Cypriots who attend Turkish lessons and to Turkish Cypriots, as well as to children of repatriated and emigrants who attend Greek and to Turkish Cypriots who attend Turkish.
At all the State Institutes of Further Education lessons begin at about the same time with the lessons in Secondary Education Schools and finish in the middle of May.
Public Secondary Schools (Gymnasia and Lycea) |
State Institutes of Further Education |
Private Secondary Schools |
22 800618, 22 800757
22 305514
kie@moec.gov.cy |