
Technology Infrastructure and Equipment Sector

The Technology Infrastructure and Equipment team is responsible for the implementation of the ICT Unit’s policy regarding the infrastructure of schools and includes the support of schools in technical issues and the assessment of new technologies in education.

The team is responsible for the following activities:

  • Preparation of budgets and planning of actions related to the responsibilities of the team.
  • Reporting needs, theft and problems associated with computer equipment in schools.
  • Withdrawal of computer equipment from schools.
  • Creation of recovery images for the maintenance of computers used in training in school classrooms and workshops.
  • Maintenance, technical support and upgrades of school equipment.
  • Management of Microsoft software licenses, services and platforms for schools.
  • Operation, technical support and maintenance of the MoECSY’s Data Center and creation of new services offered by the Data Center based on the needs of the schools for administrative issues.
  • Management of the Safe Internet software.
  • Provision of assistance to the Special Education Team for the maintenance and operation of specialized computer equipment.
  • Management of issues related to networking, internet access and computer equipment in schools with visiting schools and providing advice on problem solving.
  • Communication with schools, management and final distribution of ICT equipment to schools.

Currently, the team manages a co-funded project that involves conducting competitions for the installation of structured cabling and wireless network (Wi-Fi) in all Secondary General Education and Secondary Technical and Vocational Education and Training schools. This project is expected to be completed by the end of 2019.

Web Services and Communication - Cyprus Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth