
Sector for the Use of ICT in the Learning Process

The ICT in the Learning Process sector aims at the use of digital technologies to support teaching and learning. To pursue this goal, it will maintain the promotion of continuous professional learning programmes, online portals with open educational resources, e-learning and blended learning supported by learning management systems, online communities of practice, school-based programmes and competitions, participation in European and research programmes, coordination of the safer internet programme, and the promotion, in general, of innovations related to the use of new technologies in education.

The actions focus on the Education and Training 2020 European priorities as well as the Cyprus Digital Agenda. Under this scope emphasis is given on the following areas:

  • Use of Digital Technologies in teaching and learning.
  • Creative, safe and responsible use of the internet.
  • Transversal and digital skills for pupils and teachers.

Web Services and Communication - Cyprus Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth