Procedures through which services are provided to citizens/businesses
General information about All-Day Schools
All-Day Compulsory Primary Schools
The All-Day Compulsory Primary Schools function on four days per week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) from 07:45 until 16:00 and one day (Wednesday) from 07:45 until 13:05.
Feeding children at All-Day Compulsory Primary Schools
During the four days with afternoon lessons, pupils are provided with a meal. The overall responsibility for feeding the students of each school rests with the school's Advisory Committee, which includes representatives of the teaching staff, the Parents' Association and the School Administration. The cost of food is covered by parents/guardians. However, there are provisions to cover part or all of the cost of meals for poor children (€470 per student per year).
All-Day Optional Primary Schools, Pre-Primary Schools and Special Schools
Timetable All-Day Optional Primary Schools, Pre-Primary Schools and Special Schools operate from the first week of October until the last week of May. The All-Day Optional Schools operate from 13:05 until 16:00. Children's participation is optional. However, attendance for those children who decide to participate is compulsory until either 15:05 or 16:00.
Feeding children at All-Day Optional Primary Schools, Pre-Primary Schools and Special Schools
The expenses for the pupils’ meals and all necessary arrangements for the provision and preparation of meals are undertaken by the parents. The set menu and lunch arrangements are agreed by the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth according to the relevant circulars of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth. The Ministry subsidizes the meals of a limited number of pupils in financial need with the amount of €321 per student per year.
More information about All-Day Optional Primary Schools, Pre-Primary Schools and Special Schools can be found on the website of Primary Education.
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