Pre-Primary Education

Enrolment in Pre-Primary school

Age of enrolment in the Pre-Primary school
Age of enrolment in the compulsory Pre-Primary education, according to the Compulsory Education Law, for the school year 2025-2026, is the age of 4 years and 5 months old, and according to the decision of the Council of Ministers (84.078/9.1.2018) the age of enrolment in the compulsory Pre-Primary class is the age of 5 years old.

All the children whatever their country or nationality, who permanently or temporarily live in Cyprus, have the right for registration at public Pre-Primary schools. If public Pre-Primary schools have available places, then these are offered to younger children who will reach the age of 3 before the 1st of September of each new school year according to approved criteria. Priority for registration is given to the children with special educational needs, aged of 3 and above, after they are approved by the District Committees of Special Education.

Regarding public Pre-Primary schools, parents are obliged to enrol their children in the school of their region. If the number of children registered in a school is not completed, then children whose residence is not located in the school’s area can be accepted after approval by the District Office. The cost of transport of children to the pre-primary school is undertaken by their parents.

Time of registration or application for enrolment in public and community pre- primary schools
The registrations of children aged 4 5/12 years old and above in public Pre-Primary schools, as well as the applications for registration of children aged 3 - 4 5/12 years for attending a public or community Pre-Primary school, are usually carried out in January, according to a Circular of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth. Every child born in Cyprus presented for the first time for registration, must provide a birth certificate issued in accordance with the law. A child born abroad must provide the Alien Registration Certificate (ARC) or other official document issued by the child’s country of birth. Copies of the above documents are acceptable only if certified by a relevant official.

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