Pre-Primary Education


Pre-Primary education is considered to be fundamental to the development of the human nature. It contributes to the development of the child in all areas. cognitive, emotional, social, moral, psychomotor, aesthetic. It also contributes to the acquisition of skills useful for their lives, right attitudes and values. In addition, the following aims are persuaded through a variety of educational programmes:
  • Development of creative expression and thinking.
  • Pupils’ preparation for primary school and maximizing their potential for school success.
  • Development of attributes of their personality, such as taking initiatives, persistence, self-confidence, optimism.

With the decision of the Council of Ministers with number 59.824 and date 14.4.2004, Pre-Primary compulsory education, one year before children attend primary school, was established since September 2004. With a new decision of the Council of Ministers with number 84.078 and date 9.1.2018, the compulsory Pre-Primary class established at the age of 5 years old. The implementation of the decision for the Pre-Primary class was applied in September 2019 (4 years and 10 months old) and completed in September 2020 (5 years old).

According to the Compulsory Education Law, pre-primary education is compulsory if before the 1st September of the school year 2025-2026, a child is 4 years and 5 months old. The Department of Primary Education is responsible to ensure that all children aged 4 5/12 and above can enrolled in a public Pre-Primary school. In addition, in public Pre-Primary schools the educational needs of a number of 3 - 4 5/12 year olds are satisfied, provided that there are available places. However, it’s the parent’s decision which type of Pre-Primary school they wish for their children to attend, that is public or private.

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