Procedures through which services are provided to citizens/businesses


The Rules of Operation of Public Secondary Schools 2017 (Regulations PD 60/2017) also regulate also the amount of absences of students. The regulations regarding absences of students can be found on the website.

  • Students should take an exam in June in case they have one hundred twenty (120) to one hundred thirty-four (134) absences. The students should take an exam in all main subjects in addition to any other subjects the teachers’ body of the school judges necessary. Students should take an exam in June in case their absences amount to seven times the weekly teaching hours of any subject. Students will be examined on the material of both semesters.
  • Students should also take an exam in June if they have been absent for more than sixty (60) to sixty seven (67) periods during the second semester.
  • Student participation in extracurricular activities and school excursions are compulsory and therefore, the corresponding absences are added to the total counted for all number of absences the students has made.
  • Students with more than one hundred thirty-five (135) absences have to repeat the year.
  • Students alse have to repeat the year, when during the second semester they have sixty (60) to sixty-seven (67) absences.

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