Procedures through which services are provided to citizens/businesses
Change of Orientation Group or Subject (s)
For high school students (A class/ first year of Lyceum)
Students who wish to change their orientation group of subjects in the second year of the Lyceum, must take an exam for each course not included in the group they specialized in attended in the first year. It is noted that they must succeed in all the examined courses of the group they have chosen. These exams are organized and administered by the Lyceum the students are attending.
Students who wish to change their orientation group subjects must complete a form that is available on the website of the Counseling and Vocational Training Service.
For high school students (B Class/ second year of Lyceum)
Students wishing to change Orientation in the third year of the Lyceum should pass all the mandatory exams of the Orientation group courses they attended in the second year of the Lyceum. Additionally, they will need to take an exam and pass with a grade higher than 10, in all courses (compulsory and elective) that they wish to attend in the third year.
Example: A student of B’ class that attends the second orientation group ( with compulsory courses in English and History and elective courses in Latin and French) wishing to change orientation for the third year of the Lyceum, to the third Orientation Group (compulsory subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English) will need to take exams in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. It is noted that s/he should succeed in all exams.
Students who wish to change their orientation group subjects must complete a form (in Greek)that is available on the website of the Counseling and Vocational Training Service.
Change of an elective course(s)
Students can change an elective course (s) in their Orientation Group, from the second to the third year of Lyceum. In order to change an elective course they should take an exam and achieve a passing mark in the subject course(s) which they wish to do and were not taught in the second year.
Web Services and Communication - Cyprus Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth