Procedures through which services are provided to citizens/businesses

Student uniform and decent appearance

In accordance with circular dme4280, dated September 28, 2009, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth clarifies that each school unit determines its school uniform policy and what is considered decent appearance based upon common sense and taste, in a spirit of cooperation, mutual respect and dialogue with the involvement of all stakeholders (teachers, students, parents). In order to avoid unnecessary controversies and tensions over the issue of decent appearance, for which there are various interpretations and opinions, it is specified that the following framework, which is included in the Internal Regulations of schools has already been implemented without particular problems:

A provocative appearance and one that violates the prevailing rules of aesthetics and ethics is considered inappropriate. Based on this reasoning, the school considers the following as inappropriate and provocative:

  • For male students: The code requires male students to be clean-shaven, without beards, moustaches or goatees, peculiar hair cuts, earrings, bracelets, decorative chains and other accessories.
  • For female students: peculiar hairstyles (dyed or bushy/messy hair or extreme highlights), make-up, low-waist trousers or mini skirts and long or polished nails. They can wear rings (but not many or fancy) or bracelets (in reasonable numbers), earrings and scarves in school colours.

In general, both boys and girls should avoid challenging attire and choices that are incompatible with their student status and appearance, as aforementioned. Student appearance must conform to the requirements of law and must be conductive to the educational process.

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