The European and International Affairs Office of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth (MOECSY), has been established since September 1st 2009. Its mission is to contribute to the effective and successful participation of the Ministry in european and international affairs.

As of December 1st 2020, the Office was renamed European and International Affairs, Lifelong Learning and Adult Education Office (hereinafter ‘The Office’) and additionally it was assigned the management of issues related to Lifelong Learning and Adult Education with the aim of developing and promoting related policies. It coordinates the development of the National Lifelong Learning Strategy for the years 2021-2027 as well as the implementation of European programs for adult education. The Office assists in the efforts to plan, monitor and manage the lifelong learning opportunities provided by the Ministry. It ensures the coherence and complementarity of the different programs, the quality of the education provided and the better evaluation of the offered programs.

The Office monitors the issues arising from the participation of the Republic of Cyprus in the European Union as a Member State and from the participation in other international organizations and networks, in order to facilitate the prompt, adequate and effective action of the MOECSY and to maximize the benefits for Cyprus in the fields of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth.

In order to achieve the abovementioned objectives, the Office cooperates closely with all Directorates and Departments of MOECSY; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the embassies of the Republic of Cyprus abroad; the Permanent Representations of Cyprus in Brussels, Strasbourg, Geneva and elsewhere; the Cyprus Sports Organization; the Cyprus Youth Board; other Governmental Departments and Services, such as the Audiovisual Sector of the Ministry of Interior, the Department of Antiquities and Non-Governmental Organizations in Cyprus and abroad.

The Office works closely with the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Cyprus in Brussels and coordinates the national positions on the priorities of each Presidency, the participation in the Meetings of the European Commission as well as the participation of the Minister in the Councils of Ministers. It promotes the european and international policies in Cyprus, in line with national priorities, it coordinates the Ministry’s participation in the European Semester and it prepares reports and documentation on issues arising from the contractual obligations of the Republic of Cyprus as a Member State of the EU and other international organizations. In addition, the Office organizes regular meetings to inform, update and coordinate the actions of relevant bodies, persons and services in relation to the participation of MOECSY in the EU Council and coordinates the participation of experts in the Working Groups. It is also responsible for the official Ministerial visits abroad as well as for the reception of foreign dignitaries in Cyprus.

The Office cooperates with the European Commission Representation in Cyprus and the European Parliament Office in Cyprus to promote and implement education activities related to the aims, values and institutions of the European Union.

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