Minister's Office
Permanent Secretary's Office
Annual Reports

The Department of School Clerks Administration Unit, headed by the Chief School Clerk operates under the jurisdiction of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth and forms part of the Civil Service. It is a service of applied managerial presence imperative for and totally compatible with the aims of the state for the sustainable development of education.

It is responsible for planning, appointing and managing the School Clerks of 107 Secondary Education Schools, 5 Evening Schools, 13 Technical Schools, 2 Evening Technical Schools, 8 Afternoon and Night Technical School Classes, 45 School Boards, 42 State Institutes for Further Education and the Library of the Pedagogical Institute.

The Department keeps records for all the School Clerks (about 498) which among others, include Confidential Reports, Personal Records and Leave Records. It monitors and controls the posts and arranges for appointments for vacant posts. It also approves of annual leaves, sickness or maternity leaves and retirement.

Moreover the Department puts forward proposals to the permanent secretary for better staffing of the services it is responsible for. It also draws up proposals to the council of ministers for appointment of additional staff to meet the needs and the annual budget for extra personnel.

As from June 2005 the service has undertaken the Appointment Procedure for Temporary Clerks. It sets criteria, assesses the applications, draws up and publicizes preliminary and final lists and proceeds to appointments of Temporary Clerks according to submitted needs.

The Department of School Clerks Administration Unit, in its effort to upgrade the existing services in general arranges seminars for the newly appointed Clerks as well as the existing personnel, in Matters of Records, Accounting, School programs, as well as the Computerizing of the School Libraries with the AVEKT System.

The Administration clerk unit created its own website in which useful information and helpful material is provided for the clerks of the school units, State Institutes of Further Education and School Boards.


Vanthoula Polemitou
Phone number: 22 800709

School Clerk 1st Grade
Eleni Socratous
Phone number: 22 809522 

School Clerks

Pavlina Papetta
Phone number: 22 800657

Andri Georgiou
Phone number: 22 800865

Fax number: 22809524
Web Services and Communication - Cyprus Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth