Procedures through which services are provided to citizens/businesses

Operating Procedures for Adult Education Centres

The Department of Adult Education Centres prepares detailed programmes with the courses offered in each district. These programmes are uploaded on the site of Adult Education Centres in the first week of September on the website of the Adult Education Centres. At the same time the registration period is announced (from the first week of September to the second week of October). Registration for whoever is interested is done electronically using the platform, in which choices are indicated. After the closing date of registration, the Internet Service of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth, delivers to the Department of Adult Education, in electronic form, all applications grouped by District , Center, Subject , Date and Time, as well as all the applications in excel format.

The Educational Districts of Adult Education compile all applications and create groups. Then the groups are allocated to the instructors and the regional managers are informed. Both the instructors and the Regional Managers are appointed based on specific procedures and sign contracts/agreements.

Each Instructor receives, in printed form, the groups with the names and telephone numbers of participants. He/She contacts by telephone all participants and informs them of the place, day and time of their first meeting.

The Regional Manager attends the first meeting of each group and ensures that the location and all the procedural prerequisites for the smooth conduct of the course are met (delivers alarm codes and keys, checks the room lighting, access to toilets, etc.).The approved fees are collected by both the regional Manager and the instructor after the number of the participants is finalised. Then the Regional Manager arranges deposit the money in a certain account and delivers the receipt to the Accounts Department of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth.

The sessions of the Training Centres take place between October 1st and May. Courses are offered in 25 sessions of 90 minutes or 50 sessions of 45 minutes.

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