The Cyprus Research Centre (CRC) was founded in 1962 as a legal entity of Public Law according to Article 6/64 ‘Law regarding the Cyprus Research Centre’. This law was subsequently abolished under Article 62/66 ‘The Law of 1964 providing for the Abolition of the Greek Communal Assembly Legislation on the Cyprus Research Centre’. Since then it has functioned as a department of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Aims and Objectives
The undertaking of research on Cypriot subjects by both Cypriot and overseas researchers on a systematic basis. Research programmes connected with the most fundamental aspects of Cypriot studies, that is on the history, folklore, linguistics, literature, ethnography and sociology of Cyprus are implemented at the C.R.C. within a broader historical and geographical context.
The organization, undertaking and conduct of research in any other branch as required by current national imperatives.
The publication and dissemination of the conclusions of the research conducted.
The promotion of scholarly research in Cyprus and of research co-operation with other countries.
Means The realization of the above objectives is sought by the following means:
By utilizing the existing permanent research staff and outside scholars.
By the organization and constitution of research archives and of a library specializing in Cypriot studies. At the C.R.C. to-date a Historical Archive, a Folklore Archive and a Veterans’ Archive have been constituted and are enriched on a continuous basis. Meanwhile, the creation of an Oral Tradition Archive is in progress.
By organizing research missions both within and outside Cyprus.
By organizing academic conferences in Cyprus, or by the participation of scholars representing the C.R.C. in international conferences abroad.
Through the promotion of able Cypriot researchers and scholars and through guiding and coordinating their academic research.
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