Life Long Learning and Adult Education
Cyprus Lifelong Learning Strategy 2021-2027
The European and International Affairs, Lifelong Learning and Adult Education Office coordinated a number of actions for the development of the Cyprus Lifelong Learning Strategy (CyLLLS) for the years 2021-2027, in cooperation with other ministries and competent bodies, following a relevant decision of the Council of Ministers (Decision No.: 89.482, date: 27/5/2020). For this purpose, the Office also collaborated with Directorates, Services and Departments within the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth (MESY), as well as with various governmental and non-governmental bodies, academic institutions, organizations, etc. The work carried out by the MoECSY was also facilitated by external experts, following the successful proposal submitted by the Ministry to the Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP).
The CyLLLS 2021-2027 aims to assist national agencies and other bodies in Cyprus reaching the EU targets in relevant fields. It aims to face challenges such as the low participation of adults in lifelong learning, which remains below the EU average. It is expected that the new lifelong learning strategy will improve efforts to upskill and reskill low-qualified and low-skilled adults and address the high percentage of unemployment among young people. The strategy is also expected to benefit other groups such as early leavers, NEETs and migrants/refugees. The implementation of a variety of learning opportunities is anticipated to enrich knowledge, skills and competences for personal development and economic well-being of the specified target groups.
Lifelong learning is a multifaceted system which is influenced by a number of diverse forces. In this respect, the following concepts are treated as strategic horizontal pillars because of their significant horizontal influence on the strategic measures of the CyLLLS 2021-2027: (a) Digital transformation, (b) Green transition and sustainability, (c) Inclusion and equality, (d) Validation of non-formal and informal learning, (e) Health and wellbeing and (f) Lifelong learning culture.
Towards the accomplishment of the CyLLLS vision, four strategic priorities were set as key objectives to be achieved until 2027. These objectives are necessary for providing the long-term strategic framework of lifelong learning towards the development of a knowledge-based and inclusive society and guiding future actions: 1. Establishment of governance, monitoring and evaluation framework that includes policy settings and action plans with clear roles of stakeholders and sound fiscal management, 2. Reducing youth unemployment and upskilling/reskilling youth and workforce by providing learning opportunities that reflect labour market needs and take into account the digital and green transition, 3. Increasing the participation of adults in lifelong learning by improving the quality of the adult education sector, providing incentives to individuals and businesses, removing barriers, as well as increasing the visibility and strengthening of information and communication and 4. Improving professional practice of adult educators and support educators of all levels of education to develop lifelong learning skills.
These priorities have been determined taking into account current national needs as well as European priorities and objectives resulting from relevant programs, initiatives and mechanisms (e.g. Erasmus+, European Pillar of Social Rights, Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027, European Education Area, European Skills Agenda, European Green Deal, Recovery and Resilience Facility).
The above goals and priorities will be monitored by the members of the National and Technical Lifelong Learning Committee and the social partners, with the help of an Action Plan that will facilitate the work of the two Committees in achieving the goals of the Strategy, based on the Key Indicators Performance.
The CyLLLS 2021-2027 was approved by the Council of Ministers on September 30, 2022 (Decision No.: 93.682). The English version of the CyLLLS is available below:
Cyprus Lifelong Learning Strategy
Web Services and Communication - Cyprus Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth